Thursday, June 4, 2015

Warding - Offensive and Defensive and general good spots to put them

Hey guys,

I thought I'd put something in here around warding spots.  Yes they are more important than boots! (if you can see the enemy coming you'll stay alive long enough for the gold to buy the boots)

Is a comprehensive guide (83.b but still).  Has some really good info on where to place wards and why.  Seeing as Natures Prophet is becoming popular in this patch its something we need to be thinking of.  As well as shutting down a Lycan with a smoke etc.  That's if we're doing well.

If we're doing badly there's no point having wards in the enemies jungle. But having defensive wards placed in the entry ways to ours. Our secret shop so the courier doesn't get sniped etc.

Below are some good spots to think of as well (old map but still applies):
Red - ruin wards
Yellow - uber cliffs
Pink - lane wards - aggressive/defensive (Diash I know you get vision with creeps but they're still very useful)
Blue - push wards
Green - jungle wards
White - situational

1 comment:

  1. Nice one NNank!
    I think different games need different number and position of wards.
    Depends on team composition (both ours and the enemy).
    Sometime just having a single ward tells you where they aren't and that is enough (if we have warded our jungle stairs and they are not in lane then they are either Rosh or in their Jungle!)
    Also note on the new map there is a nice spot above Rosh!
