Monday, June 8, 2015

"Welcome to my Jungle"

Hot tips from the jungle:

  • Know your camps (size)
  • Know the creeps
  • Keep an eye on the clock
    • 12s-42s is pull time, 53 seconds is stacking.  
    • Note you can pull and stack at 42s if you are good.
    • Note you can double pull! (pull small camp then time it and pull larger camp)
    • Note:  A single pull will end up pushing the lane if the enemy creeps get in tower range
  • Know your hero
    • Legion, Natures, Enchantress, Chen, Lycan, Ursa, Lifestealer, Drow... all jungle very differently
Pet Junglers - Natures, Enchantress, Lycan, Chen

The key for these is to cycle the damage between you and the pets.  Run the pet who is getting damaged out of range when they get low, but only until they lose agro, get them back in straight after.  Keep the pets alive as long as possible. (This is the same with illusion Junglers like PL, Naga)

Regen Junglers - Legion, Ursa, Lifestealer
Pick the right camp so you can keep your health/mana high enough to keep going.  item purchase is critical!

OK she is not a jungler, but once I have mask of madness, you pull creeps back to their leashing range and let your arrows do the work.  Remember drow is ALL about position, 80 agility disabled at close range.  Don't wait until you get to the next camp, use the speed boost from mask to get there and clear the camp!

Special mention goes to culling blade.  Extra damage and cut shorter paths to the next camp (needed for some double pulls eg radiant side)
Also phase boots are really good
1) +24 damage
2) use to get between camps faster!  (use often)
Soul ring is needed by mana dependent regen heroes (eg legion), where you are mana limited not health limited
Tangos are needed by most to boost you on difficult camps (eg lifestealer)

Here is the different camp strengths.
You get to know the different group weaknesses and strengths after a while.

Camps spawn at 30s and then on every minute after that (60s, 120s etc)
For example with lifestealer, natures prophet and legion you should be able to kill the small camp and then have it respawn to kill again straight away.  Then move onto the medium camp.
Each jungler has its own strengths and will play differently in the jungle
What you need to ask is:  Will I clear this camp before it respawns?  Will I have enough mana/health after killing this camp?

All Random - highlights - Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Warding - Offensive and Defensive and general good spots to put them

Hey guys,

I thought I'd put something in here around warding spots.  Yes they are more important than boots! (if you can see the enemy coming you'll stay alive long enough for the gold to buy the boots)

Is a comprehensive guide (83.b but still).  Has some really good info on where to place wards and why.  Seeing as Natures Prophet is becoming popular in this patch its something we need to be thinking of.  As well as shutting down a Lycan with a smoke etc.  That's if we're doing well.

If we're doing badly there's no point having wards in the enemies jungle. But having defensive wards placed in the entry ways to ours. Our secret shop so the courier doesn't get sniped etc.

Below are some good spots to think of as well (old map but still applies):
Red - ruin wards
Yellow - uber cliffs
Pink - lane wards - aggressive/defensive (Diash I know you get vision with creeps but they're still very useful)
Blue - push wards
Green - jungle wards
White - situational