Tuesday, April 14, 2015

5 stack mastery

Whilst we have been waiting for everyone to return to 5 stack night we have been practicing new combinations.

Broot is elite at SB now (see http://www.dotabuff.com/players/4455932/trends?metric=win something like 13 wins out of the last 16 games) and not only has it allowed proficiency with Spirit Breaker, but also he has been able to look at item builds to counterpick the other team.

The outstanding one so far is

Spirit Breaker (Broot)  -- Solo offlane
Lifestealer (TJ)  -- jungle

Although we only tried once, PA mid with this combination was awesome.   Riki as another host for lifestealer could be viable but needs more practice.  Juggs+safelane support would also be another viable addition.

Spirit breaker buys dust and the occasional offensive observer ward, to relieve some of the solo support issues.

My ideal combo for the other 3 spots are below.  There are many combinations that work, but we definitely need some further hitting power (from both mid and safe) and more disables.

SB - solo offlane
LS - jungle  - farms a Midas then jumps into SB every 90 seconds.

Combination of final three is then chosen based on other teams pick.  But in general we need a hard lategame carry high damage right clicker, a good mid that can carry the early-mid game and a support (courier and some wards). Utility/stunner support such as Earthshaker, Shadow Shaman, Crystal Maiden.

Troll - mid
PA  - safelane
Warlock - safelane
Storm Spirit - mid
PA  - safelane
Crystal Maiden - safelane
Troll - mid
Juggs  - safelane
Shadow Shaman - safelane

Gameplan:  Post-laning phase - spirit breaker starts harassing, once LS gets ulti they combine everytime it is up to try and gank their safelane carry.
This is to give room to our safelane carry to farm safelane/jungle.  If thinks are going well then mid is also participating in ganking.
Troll is added above as everytime we get to a tower he throws on his Ulti.  Troll and Sniper and generally considered to be OP at the moment.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Tri-Lane Guide


Hey guys,

Check this out.  Its a pretty in depth guide to the concepts of tri lanes.  In essence though its to zone out farm for the opposing teams carry or zone out the enemy to allow our carry to farm uncontested.

The trick is to have a support pulling lanes to be gaining gold and experience to be not left behind.

I also think the combo's might be a bit out dated in this guide but its a decent start for us to think of more.
